Mayville Community Centre
The Mayville Community Centre is now an internationally recognised Community Centre which has received 4 Awards and been Highly Commended for its Eco and cost efficiency credentials:
- Best Retrofit – UK Passivhaus Awards 2012
- Best Public Sector Building – 3R (Refurb, Rethink, Retrofit) Awards 2011
- Winner of Constructing Excellence Awards, Building Performance in London and SE England 2012
- Winner of Green Build Awards 2012, Leisure Category
- Highly commended - RICS UK Regional Award for Design and Innovation 2012
The Works
The proposed redevelopment will increase usable floor space by over 35%, mostly by rearranging spaces within the existing building envelope.
A new entrance extension will create level access into the centre and provide a dedicated foyer/reception area.
The internal circulation will be reconfigured to make all areas of the centre accessible to the community and to provide new accessible sanitary accommodation on all floors.
New roof gardens will be created on the existing flat roof areas of the building. These roofs will include sufficient soil substrate to host a variety of native plants including wildflower meadows and a hawthorn thicket. A new light well will be excavated in the garden and large openings formed in the south facing elevation to provide light and ventilation to large areas of the ground floor and basement rooms. This will also provide a large proportion of the solar gains required to heat the building.
The building will be completely insulated externally using natural materials and clad in European Larch weatherboarding or cement rendering. Internally the building will be generally refurbished with new doors, partitions, glazed screens, toilets including accessible facilities, new floor finishes and redecoration throughout.
A new commercial kitchen will be installed.
New mechanical, plumbing and electrical services will be installed incorporating solar photovoltaic and ground heat pump technology.
To learn more about this project, Click here.